...The Boarder walks down the hall, intoning "tactactac." 'Cos I'm typeblogging!Fresh Peaches! (Now if only I could figure out how to make the displayed text image larger). "Folded" and "unfolded" pix:
A modern cartridge pen and a futuristic Western Electric 300-series desk telephone (direct dial, no less) in the background -- I just can't imagine why people call me old-fashioned!
I KNEW THE LOSS WAS SERIOUS WHEN I SAW THE NEWSPAPER JUNK THEIR OLD PRINTING PRESSES. Seeing it myself made it real. Ripped the heart right out of that building and that paper. It's not why newspapers are dying but it is one reason why they die largely unmourned. I'm pushing back. Typewriters, Dial Telephones, Hand Tools, Old Amateur Radio Gear, Telegraph Keys, Analog Volt Ohmmeters, Vacuumatic Coffeemakers, Slide Rules, Fountain Pens, etc.: I have 'em. I use 'em.
It's not political. There are other places for that. People who love old technology can be found all across the spectrum. Let's concentrate on what we have in common.
A major goal of this blog is to make information findable. I try to use post titles that include the topic or device covered and to include links to further information. If you have anything to add, please comment on the post or e-mail me.
Old fashioned? But your stuff is so cool!